
This is a collection of photos taken for my Media Photography class.

I hope you enjoy them!

Photos by Melinda Wright

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Assignment 5

For our fifth assignment, we had to demonstrate how to photograph an object with a higher f-stop, creating a sharp background. Then we had to photograph the same object without changing the zoom or focal point using a lower f-stop, creating a blurrier background. Click on the photos to see them enlarged.

blurry background

It's difficult to see what's approaching this king.

sharp background

Using a high f-stop and slow shutter speed makes this king's pawns stand out.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Assignment 4

The objective for the fourth assignment was to demonstrate how something will look from different vantage points. We had to photograph something from a high angle (looking down) and a low angle (looking up).

low angle vantage point

A white rose is wrapped in vines as a thunderstorm rolls in.

high angle vantage point

A white rose lies on a stone pedestal during an April thunderstorm.